دکتر غلامرضا رئیسی

متخصص طب فیزیکی و توانبخشی

مطب دکتر رئیسی


Gholam Reza Raissi MD

Firozgar Hospital

Vailiasr sq

Theran, Iran


e-mail: grezaraissi at yahoo.com

Position: Associated Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,

Tehran university of Medical sciences

Birth Date: September 23, 1971

Marital Status: married


Mother: Persian

English: IELTS 7.5 (Speaking 7, Reading 7, Listening 8, Writing 7)

French: Moderate (reading)

Medical Doctor:

YazdMedical School, Yazd, Iran September 23, 1989-September 23, 1996

Postgraduate Training:

ShirazUniversityof Medical Sciences (SUMS); September2000-September 2003

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department

Program Director: Professor Mohammad Reza Alavian Ghavanini (American BC)

Specialty Boards:

Iranian Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation September 2003


Study of the Sympathetic Skin Response in Atopic Dermatitis ;

Presented in congress of new dermatologic diagnostic procedures, Teheran, Iran February2004

Honors and Awards:

Model Physician: Iranian Medical Council Year2005 Second rank in Iranian Board of PM&R September 2003 First rank, specialty program; (SUMS), PM&R Dept. September 2003

Administrative Responsibilities:

Head, Clinical Skill Lab, Iran University of Medical Sciences 2010 Scientific Secretary, 9th Iranian Congress of PM&R August 2006 Pain Clinic member, Khatam Neuroscience study Center, Tehran Sept 2006-present Assistant Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Iran University of Medical Sciences(IUMS),Teheran, Iran May 2004- Aug 2006 Iranian society of PM& Board of Directors(reserve) May 2006-present Member of Scientific committee, First Iranian congress of pulmonary rehabilitation, Teheran, Iran January 2006 Member of scientific committee, 7th congress of Internal Medicine, Teheran, Iran, May 2006 Coordinator and member of scientific committee, 8th Iranian Annual Congress of PM&R Nov 2005 National committee of medical education standards: Ministry of Health, Iran Curriculum committee of medical education; IUMS Scientific Committee of Iranian Society of PM&R November 2003-present Obligatory Military service;Oct1996- Oct 1998 Research associate, Kermanshah University of Medical sciences, Nephrology and transplantation department under supervision of D. Raissi MD (Deta Board of Nephrology (France) Nov 1998-Sept 2000


Gholam Reza Raissi: “An Orthosis for management of finger flextion contracture”. Iran. Patent No.30246 granted Jul 8, 2004 filed Aug 30, 2004

Books and Booklets

Regional Differential Diagnosis in Sports Medicine;

A Guide book For Amputee Patients A Guide Series for Spinal Cord Injured Patients Introduction to SCI Bowel Care Bladder Care Pressure Ulcer Prevention Sexuality Issues Independent Life for Elderly Joint Care in Rheumatoid Arthritis Foot care for Diabetic Patients


Forogh B, Khalighi M, Javanshir MA, Ghoseiri K, Kamali M, Raissi G. The effects of a new designed forearm orthosis in treatment of lateral epicondylitis.Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2011 Nov 23.

Adelmanesh F, Arvantaj A, Rashki H, Ketabchi S, Montazeri A, Raissi G. Results from the translation and adaptation of the Iranian Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire (I-SF-MPQ): preliminary evidence of its reliability, construct validity and sensitivity in an Iranian pain population.Sports Med Arthrosc Rehabil Ther Technol. 2011 Nov 10;3(1):27.

Raissi GR, Ahadi T, Forogh B, Adelmanesh F. Forty years history of physical medicine and rehabilitation in Iran.J Rehabil Med. 2011 Mar;43(4):369.

Ahadi T, Raissi GR, Togha M, Nejati P. Saphenous neuropathy in a patient with low back pain.J Brachial Plex Peripher Nerve Inj. 2010 Jan 16;5:2.

Raissi GR, Cherati AD, Mansoori KD, Razi MD. The relationship between lower extremity alignment and Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome among non-professional athletes.Sports Med Arthrosc Rehabil Ther Technol. 2009 Jun 11;1(1):11.

Raissi GR, Mokhtari A, Mansouri K. Reports from spinal cord injury patients: eight months after the 2003 earthquake in Bam, Iran.Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2007 Nov;86(11):912-7.

Raissi GR. Earthquakes and rehabilitation needs: experiences from Bam, Iran.J Spinal Cord Med. 2007;30(4):369-72.

Vahdatpour B, Raissi GR, Hollisaz MT. Study of the ulnar nerve compromise at the wrist of patients with carpal tunnel syndrome.Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol. 2007 May-Jun;47(3):183-6.

Raissi GR, Mansoori K, Madani P, Rayegani SM. Survey of general practitioners' attitudes toward physical medicine and rehabilitation.Int J Rehabil Res. 2006 Jun;29(2):167-70.

Raissi GR, Vahdatpour B, Ashraf A, Mansouri K. Integrating physical medicine and rehabilitation into the curriculum of Iranian medical students.Disabil Rehabil. 2006 Jan 15;28(1):67-70.

Emad MR, Raissi GR. Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis: a case report.Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol. 2003 Oct-Nov;43(7):409-11.

Jazayeri M, Ghavanini MR, Rahimi HR, Raissi GR.A study of the sympathetic skin response and sensory nerve action potential after median and ulnar nerve repair.Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol. 2003 Jul-Aug;43(5):277-9.

Congress abstracts

Principles of Exercise Prescription

Standards and Guidelines of Rehabilitation Medicine

Hereditary and Autonomic Neuropathy Type IV: A case Report

Validity of Current Electrodiagnosis Techniques in Diagnosis of CTS

Is Abductor pollicis BRevis Appropriate for Study of Median Nerve

Designing Spinal Cord Injury Centers

The necessity of National standards of Rehabilitation Medicine

Earthquake and Rehabilitation Needs

Standards and guidelines of Rehabilitation Medicine

Rehabilitation in Neuromuscular Disease

The role of physical medicine and rehabilitation in prevention of chronic pain

Reptetive transcranial magnetic stimulation in pain management

Diagnosis of neurogenic TOS :proximal plexus latency difference by magnetic stimulation

High thoracic shwanoma presenting as chest pain


Principles of pelvic floor rehabilitation in chronic disorders of postpartum period


Principles of pelvic floor rehabilitation )


Validity of current electrodiagnosis techniques in diagnosis of CTS

Incidence of ulnar-to-median nerve motor fiber anastomosis

(Riche-Cannieu anastomosis) in hand

Diagnosis of Neurogenic TOS; Proximal brachial plexus latency difference by magnetic stimulation, a preliminary study


Principles of rehabilitation medicine IUMS; Rehabilitation Faculty MS Occupational Therapy Technical Orthopedics, Orthopaedic Rehabilitation( MSc of Technical orthopedics) Rheumatologic Rehabilitation(MSc. of occupational therapy) Rehabilitation Medicine in Iran, Past ,present and Future Isfahan University of Medical Sciences Dec 2006 Evidence based Rehabilitation, Iranian Society of PM&R Jul 2006 Epidemiology and Etiology of Spinal cord injury;7th congress of internal Medicine May 2006 Exercise prescription in pulmonary rehabilitation; First Iranian congress of pulmonary rehabilitation; January 2006 Geriatric Health; Iranian Medical council Meeting ,March 2006 The necessity of National standards of rehabilitation Medicine Nov 2005 Electrotherapy, Principles of Physical therapy, Yazd medical school, Sept 2005 Modalities in Low back pain ;Iranian Medical council Meeting November 2004 Exercise in Low back pain; Iranian Medical council Meeting November 2004 Back care; Iranian Medical council Meeting November 2004 Principles of manipulation; Iranian Medical council Meeting November 2004 Rehabilitation needs and earthquake; November 2004 Upper extremity pain syndromes; Iranian Medical council Meeting ,June 2004 Rehabilitation after disasters; 2nd international congress of health and disaster management June 2004 Rehabilitation nursing, three days course in Bam after earthquake. Sports in patients with spinal cord injury (SUMS; Rehabilitation Faculty) Burn Rehabilitation (SUMS; Rehabilitation Faculty) Weekly lectures and rounds for medical students, SUMS and Iran University of Medical Sciences Workshops of for PM&R Residents(SUMS): Orthosis and Prosthesis Burn Rehabilitation Musculoskeletal Physical Examination Spinal Cord Injury ICU Rehabilitation Weekly lectures in the Dept. of PM&R; SUMS


15 World Conference on Disaster Management; July 10-13 Toronto, Canada (poster presentation) Curriculum of PM&R for Medical Students(submitted to Faculty of Medicine, Iran University of Medical sciences) Curriculum of disaster medicine. (submitted to Faculty of Medicine, Iran University of Medical sciences and Ministry of Health ) Setting Up 5th Iranian department of PM&R (in cooperation of other colleagues) International Expert meeting on standards and Guidelines with respect to education and training in disaster medicine. October 2004 Brussels Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis; 3rd Iranian congress of Genetic disorders and disabilities(poster) Kidney Transplantation in Kermanshah: Ten years experience(Submitted to Kermanshah Medical University) Asymptomatic Bacteriuria in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure Kermanshah Medical University Acute complications of central venous catheter in hemodialysis patients Duplication Cyst; A case Report (Published in Yazd Medical Journal2000) Rehabilitation medicine educational weblog in Farsi: http://irpmr.spaces.live.com

Courses and workshops:

Neurorehabilitation, 2007 Burwood Hospital, Christchurch, Newzealand

Reference management; Iran University of Medical sciences 2009

Laser therapy 2010

Logbook designing 2006

Scientific writing 2005

Biofeedback American BCIA 2009

Botulinum toxin injection 2008

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation 23 April 2010

Pain Management, By Prof. Mohajer from Freiberg pain center (in Khatam Hospital, Iran,2006)

Research methodology

Scientific writing February 2006

SPSS in statistical analysis

Curriculum development

Evidence based medicine

Problem based Learning

Log book development

Morning report

آدرس مطب : 1
تلفن : 1 - 1

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برای متن پیام فقط از حروف فارسی استفاده کنید .
این فرم صرفا جهت دریافت نظرات ، پیشنهادات و انتقادات کاربران در مورد مطلب فوق میباشد .
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حداکثر طول مجاز برای متن پیام 500 کاراکتر است .
نام و فامیل :
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متن پیـام :
پی آر پی جیستبیوگرافیآدرس و تماسنوار عصب و عضلهبیماریهای عضلانی اسکلتی توانبخشی فلج صورتتوانبخشی کف لگنارتوز، پروتز، کفش و وسایبیماریهای مغز و نخاعتوانبخشی کودکانتوانبخشی دیابتدردطب ورزشطب سالمندانسوالات پزشکیمطالب تخصصی و فوق تخصصیENGLISHصفحه اصلی