دکتر غلامرضا رئیسی

متخصص طب فیزیکی و توانبخشی

مطب دکتر رئیسی


The drraissi.ir has information and resources for people living with pain and impaired physical function aas well as electrodiagnosis medicine patient’s guide. This website is written by Gholam Reza Raissi MD and Tannaz Ahadi MD, two specialists in Physical Medicine and rehabilitation, attending physicians in Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Here we have tried to update the information regularly and tried to write in simplest way for patients and their families.

Keywords: spinal cord injury, spinal, cord, injury, injuries, quadriplegic, quadriplegia, research, paralysis, paralyzed, paraplegic, paraplegic, disabled, disability, disabilities, medical, new injury, disabilities, wheelchair, sci, resource center, rehabilitation, research, spine, low back pain, cervical pain, coccicodynia, EMG,NCV, electromyography, physiotherapy, Iran. Tehran, nerve, nerve root, peripheral nerve. Injury myalgia, myopathy, motor neuron disease, pain ALS,

Fibromyalgia. Foot. Foot clinic, occupational therapy, diagnosis, treatment, team work, prevention, back school, Vitamin 0, stroke, foot drop, Aging, Amputees, Amputations, orthosis (Ankles, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), Sports Medicine , peripheral arterial disease Athletes

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حداکثر طول مجاز برای متن پیام 500 کاراکتر است .
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پی آر پی جیستبیوگرافیآدرس و تماسنوار عصب و عضلهبیماریهای عضلانی اسکلتی توانبخشی فلج صورتتوانبخشی کف لگنارتوز، پروتز، کفش و وسایبیماریهای مغز و نخاعتوانبخشی کودکانتوانبخشی دیابتدردطب ورزشطب سالمندانسوالات پزشکیمطالب تخصصی و فوق تخصصیENGLISHصفحه اصلی